Target Cost contracts – panacea or deception? The Austrian Federal Railways held a workshop on Target Cost contracts (German: Allianzverträge) on 10th December 2024.
Brenner Base Tunnel lot H52 winning project at ITA Tunnelling Awards Gratulations and Glück Auf to the winning team!
Celebration of Saint Barbara in Ebensee Barbara Day celebration on power plant construction site Ebensee
Refurbishment Kherrata Tunnels 20. September 2024— Contract award notice: refurbishment Kherrata Tunnels, Algeria
Semmering Base Tunnel SBT1.1 18. September 2024— September 12, 2024 breakthrough of the first tube at Semmering Base Tunnel 23.7km
Meet us in Salzburg at Geomechanics Colloquium 12. September 2024— Geomechanics Colloquium will take place 09.-11.10.2024 at Salzburg Congress.
Festspielhaus Salzburg – Salzburg FestivalSalzburg Festival hall is to be renovated and expanded. IGT was awarded with a contract as a test engineer by Salzburger Festspielfonds. The contract consists of testing the planned tunnels and caverns as well as economic viability.©Tourismus Salzburg, Foto: B. Reinhart