Semmering base tunnel
The 27 km long base tunnel replaces the old Ghega Gebirgsbahn for a modern transport for passengers and goods.
The Semmering Base Tunnel project ensures a flat railway line on the Vienna – Graz – Klagenfurt route from Gloggnitz to Mürzzuschlag. In the route finding planning phase from 2006, the selection route was determined from four variants. Subsequently, the planning for the EIA, railway law and material rights was carried out until 2010. Between 2011 and 2016, the base tunnel was put out to tender in three sections with cyclic and TBM driving. Construction work with the central Fröschnitzgraben construction lot began in 2014, with the eastern Gloggnitz construction lot in 2015 and with the western Grautschenhof construction lot in 2016. The tunnel construction work is expected to be completed in 2025. The base tunnel consists of two single-track tunnel tubes with cross passages at a maximum distance of 500 m. An emergency stop is located in the middle of the tunnel.
Project Facts
Semmering base tunnel
ÖBB, Infrastruktur AG
2006 - vsl. 2025
Genehmigungsplanung, Ausschreibungs- und Ausführungsplanung, Baumanagement und Geotechniker vor Ort. -
€ 1.400 Mio.
Technical Facts
Basistunnel Gesamtlänge 27,3 km
Zweiröhiges, eingleisiges Tunnelsystem
Querschläge im Abstand von max. 500 m
Baulos Gloggnitz:
Zyklischer Vortrieb 2 x 7,3 km
Zugangstunnel 1,2 km
Schächte 2 x 250 m
Baulos Fröschnitzgraben:
Zyklischer Vortrieb 2 x 3,8 km
TVM-Vortrieb ca. 2 x 8,1 km
Nothaltestelle 0,8 km
Schächte 2 x 400 m
Baulos Grautschenhof:
Zyklischer Vortrieb 2 x 6,9 km
Schächte 2 x 100 m
Offene Bauweisen 2 x 0,3 km