Alvier hydropower plant II
Due to the flood prevention scheme, the existing intake of the Alvier hydropower plant had to be moved. As a result, the headrace and power generation caverns were rebuilt.
The Alvier II hydropower plant on the lower section of the Alvier river in Bürs has been operated by the company Getzner, Mutter & Cie for over 180 years. As part of a flood protection scheme, it was necessary to make significant changes to the existing plant. The removal of the existing water intake and a smal-scale hydropower plant allowed the works water system to be connected directly to the discharge pond of an upstream plant. The works water system passes through a reinforced concrete overflow tank into the 832 m long underground ductile iron penstock. The new generation cavern is located underground and houses an Ossberger turbine, the generator and control and equipment. The gross head difference is 22.6 m. The plant has a design flow of 2.5 m3/s, a turbine power of 424 kW and a yearly production capacity of 2.55 GWh.
Project Facts
Alvier hydropower plant II
Getzner Mutter & Cie
Structural and hydraulic design of plant components
Design of reinforcement -
Technical Facts
Hydropower plant technical data:
Turbine power: 424 kW
Yearly generation capacity: 2.55 GWh
Volumetric flow: 2.5 m3/s
Total head: 22.6 m
Works water: Ductile iron penstock
Penstock length: 832 m
Penstock diameter: 1.2 m